Asian Dating Site - Karlovarský Singles in Czech Republic

Here are Asian women and single men who recently logged in or registered at this Asian dating site resided in Karlovarský of Czech Republic. To view and chat Asian singles at Karlovarský, please click on each profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet then please click on Sign up button above.

Jindra87, 19870920, Karlovy Vary, Karlovarský, Czech Republic
Karlovy Vary, Karlovarský, Czech Republic
Living situation:
About yourself:
Hi, to say something about myself ... I'm not rich and I don't have my house. I'm just an ordinary man who lives in his modest apartment and goes to work. I know you're all looking for your prince here with a big house and a nice car .... so I don't give
Looking for:

I work on a golf course as a greenkeaper, if any of you want to buy golf courses in a beautiful spa town in the Czech Republic, you have the opportunity, the course is for sale, the city of Karlovy Vary, where I was born and live here, is world famous as a spa.You can also contact me on FB Jindřich Harry Kopet is my real name on FB. Thank you.

FB Jindřich Harry Kopet or petkoharry87*