Interracial dating & relationships between British men & Asian women
British men like Asian women so much that there are many interracial relationships between those two races, which happens in the United Kingdom. There are some reasons why both races like each other. However, British women don’t like Asian men in terms of dating and romance.
Asian ladies like British guys because of physical attributes. British men like Asian women because of beauty and characteristics.
British men are tall and handsome. They have broad shoulders. European descent is one unique reason that most women like in a man.
Asian women are skinny, small and family oriented. Most of them are submissive.

I also think about the media influence which plays the most important part that they are attracted with each other. Asian ladies are often portrayed as the most exotic and stunning women on the world. British men are the tall, handsome and ideal husbands for women. As you have seen on TV and other types of media, they are portrayed as “goody” things. You hardly see “baddy” things about them. As a result, many movies have showed bad things about Asian men. So, many women have negative image about Asian men, especially British women. If you are an Asian man who lives in London and approaches a British lady by talking, she is nicely talking to you. However, she thinks “oh no, don’t dream on it, poor guy”.
From the media standpoint, Asian women are viewed as the positive image while Asian men don’t. British men are viewed as the best husbands on the world with honesty and loyalty, the guys who treat ladies with respects and never be “controlled” on their wife.
British men are friendly and approaching to women with confidence. Most Asian women like confident men. Asian men are not friendly and not approaching to women. They seem to be shy. They usually don’t hang out with non-Asian friends. I think because of small and short body size, they are afraid of hanging out with tall and strong guys. This is one of the reason British women don’t date Asian guys.
On the other hand, Asian women who live in Europe are friendly to local guys. They are aggressive women for flirting with white guys whom they like. So, British men are the best choice for Asian women. Some of these guys are curious when looking at other guys who are dating Asian ladies. So, they follow the crowd to try Asian ladies and more and more guys follow the crowd as simple things people do.
Lastly, most British women have high standards which local men can’t meet so these guys must go for Asian women. Many of single British men who choose simple ways on the woman they are dating and marrying. So, that’s why there are thousands of interracial dating, relationships and marriages between Asian women and British men nowadays.