Vietnamese Mail Order Brides in China, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan & South Korea
Vietnamese mail order brides in China, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan & South Korea have been talking a lot lately because it resulted many miserable relationships. Nowadays such Vietnam’s mail order bride business is booming in this country because many Vietnamese girls (especially those who live in the countryside) still dream to marry a foreign husband. I use women, ladies and girls across this article because some unmarried women in Viet Nam don’t like to be called “women”.

Look at this advertisement in Vietnam, “She is a virgin, fixed price, marry her in a few months, you’ll get a new bride if she runs away from you”. Do they consider a human being as an item for sale?
Vietnamese women wait every minute, hour and day for her opportunity to meet a prospective foreign husband.
Why are they interested to get marry with a foreign husband that much?

It is the power of money. Most of Vietnamese girls who want to marry a Chinese, Singaporean, Malaysian, Taiwanese and Korean husband are poor. They don’t see a bright future in Vietnam. They want to help their parents and siblings so the only way is to get married with a foreign man. However, if there is a demand, then there is a supply. If you go to some mail order brides agencies or brokers in China, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan & South Korea, you will notice some silly ads like “She is a virgin, $4,000, fixed price” or “Vietnamese women, select a bride, travel to Vietnam, get married, $4,500” and etc. That means foreign men can go to Viet Nam, choose the bride and get married with her for that amount of money. The bride can get about 75% of that money from her bride-groom and the 25% go to the brokers.
Most of these Vietnamese women come from poor rural villages, have less knowledge and low education. They favor the opportunity to live abroad so they take the risk to marry a foreign husband. They think getting married with a man overseas is the best option because they have money to support their family and help their siblings. As a result, many marriages turn out miserably. Many Vietnamese wives are beaten up, used as a sex slave, murdered by their husbands.

There is no strict rules to prevent such marriages because these Vietnamese ladies marry foreign husbands voluntarily. The language barrier is the main problem. They don’t have knowledge about living abroad in a new country. They think getting married with a husband oversea and making money in a new country is easy. They don’t have a choice.
Most of foreign men marrying single Vietnamese girls are farmers and fishermen who can’t find a wife in their local area. They are left behind by local girls so they have to find a Vietnamese wife who is simple so they can control her.
However, there are some marriages work out very well. There are some successful Vietnamese women who got married with foreign men.
I recommend both Vietnamese girls and foreign men should not get married with each other by the marriage agencies. You guys can find each other at online dating sites like or other free Asian date websites. You can find your life mate in Vietnam, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan & South Korea by yourself without going through mail order brides services.
This is a common issue that many poor Vietnamese girls have no options but marry single men in South Korea, China, Singapore and Taiwan. Toi buon cho quoc gia Viet Nam cua chung toi lam vi con gai song o mien que, kem hieu biet, ngheo nan va lac hau, phai di lay chong dai loan, trung quoc hay han quoc de kiem tien phu giup gia dinh. Rat nhieu phu nu lay chong nuoc ngoai kieu nay bi danh dap gia mang va tham chi bi giet chet. Thanks.
I completely agree with the author who wrote this article. However, most of these Vietnamese girls who married foreign guys live in rural areas so they don’t know how to use a computer to look for Vietnamese men in the West (or Viet Kieu). I wish these single young women in Vietnam at least know to find Vietkieu for marriage so their life is not as miserable as when they marry with unknown husbands from these Asian countries.