Why are Chinese American Men Too Popular in the US & China?
Chinese American men are too popular in the US because they are inherited the goodies from famous movie Asian stars such as Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Donnie Jen and so on. If you are an Asian man who talks with Caucasians, then they will ask you “Are you Chinese” but not “Are you Thai or Are you Japanese?”. Chinese men are popular in America, really. They are successful and high educated. Many of them married white girls as well. They have learned the Americanized culture so they act just like native Americans, plus their rooted cultural values, which make them the ideal gentlemen for any girl.

I don’t want to go in detailed about the outlook but focus on the characteristic and traits. I don’t say Chinese men are handsome because their faces look flat with low noses and eye sockets. Many Western women prefer men to have chest hair but Chinese guys don’t. Chinese men are not very gentle and humorous as Western men because they control which make them the “bossy” of the house. However, their traits are perfect for any woman who is being submissive. Most Chinese American guys can take good care of their wives, no doubt about that.
China-born men who migrated to the US when they were over 18 years old are still applying the Chinese family rules over their wives. Most of Chinese men who were born in America are excellent in terms of being a gentleman because they always apply “Ladies first” rule. Ladies love gentlemen, you know?
If you travel to China, take a bus, you seldom see a Chinese man give up his seat for a pregnant woman. This is not nice at all. It is about the cultural values from China, where boys are valued as more important than girls. I personally think that men in China have many shortcomings while Chinese American men have so much goodies. Domestic violence happens between couples every single day in China. In America, you don’t see such domestic violence between Chinese husbands and wives. You rarely see that.

In terms of marriage, most Chinese men prefer to have traditional wife who is submissive. However, when they live in the US, they are not traditional anymore because they have to work hard to pay the bills. They can’t stay home and live with their husband’s income. That doesn’t work anymore. Every single Chinese woman must work to help her husband raise the family. She can’t be submissive like traditional Chinese women. Ah, this is one of the reasons many Chinese American go back to China to marry real traditional girls and bring them to the US every year.
Every man has different concepts about love, relationship and marriage. Some of them don’t like to marry a woman who keep spying on them all the time, check their phone records every day, check who they call every single time, and so on. But there are some Chinese men prefer to marry a traditional girl who is submissive and let them take lead of the family. It doesn’t matter what they say, they don’t want the wife to argue but accept it as is.
It doesn’t matter where you view the Chinese men, they have the same goodies as:
1. They want serious relationship. If you are a White girl, you think about why they want a relationship too fast. You want to enjoy the dating process in a more relaxed way. However, Chinese men want to find a date that could lead to a relationship as fast as it can.
2. He is jealous. If you are too friendly with other male friends, then he is jealous. However, I think this is a good thing because it is proven he loves you to the bottom of his heart.
3. Equality doesn’t apply. A Chinese man can take care of you and the kids as long as he can. If you try to be equal in sharing the home bills, then you may upset him. He can take care of that by himself.
Generally speaking, Chinese American men are too popular in the US and China because they have learned both great cultural values to make them the perfect gentlemen for girls. Also, they can make good money in the US so they can spend a lot when they go back to China. Another thing is that Chinese American guys can marry Chinese local girls and sponsor them to America. I have seen many rich single Chinese women want to leave China to migrate to the US. They are daughters of rich families, high-educated parents, high-level officials, and business people. So, Chinese American men are the great bridge who can bring these rich women in China to America legally.